Tuesday, August 23, 2011

A Night At DV8 Volumes Twenty-five & Twenty-six

Today's two covers reach the two extremes from tame to the most risque yet.


  1. I don't know. The previous bare booty cover strikes me as more provocative. But that could just be the subjectivity of my own proclivities speaking. Perhaps the young men on cover 26 are mere moments away from engaging in extraordinarily pornographic behavior, but, in this pose, they are so tenderly affectionate that the sweet innocence of their Eskimo kiss and gentle embrace distracts me from any prurient thoughts their nudity might otherwise conjure.

  2. Boy, that was wordy. Comment noted and percolating.

  3. Hi, [extends hand] Susan Stone-Lawrence. (As if to say, "How long have we known each other?") Wordy is part of the package.

    I wasn't trying to suggest that you change your mind. Just offering up my copper Lincolns per the subject. Basically, I think the dropped trou booty is more risque than the snuggly sailor boys.
