Saturday, September 1, 2012

I Survived

My first week at my new job and somehow I managed to survive.  It's very hot and very physical and a couple of days I almost passed out from the combination of muscle pain and heat exhaustion but I survived.  Now I will enjoy this three day weekend and try to prepare myself for what I'm sure will be four extremely long days next week.  I say this because while my start time is definite, the end time depends on when the day's work is done.  With us being closed on Monday I'm sure the rest of the week will be playing catch up.  For instance, yesterday morning I went in at six and we didn't get finished until 5:30.

Probably the worst part of the last week was that even after getting home each night I was either to exhausted or in to much pain to do anything except shower, rehydrate, eat, and lay in bed.  This means I've had no time for artistic endeavors.  Perhaps this will balance at some point.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on your survival! I hope you can balance it out before long. My own struggles continue to surprise and dismay me, and I do not work the kind of hours you do. Looking forward to meeting each other under less duress; hoping we will manage to juggle with grace and aplomb then.
